Tab stops in Microsoft Office 2011 OSX

Apologies for the COMPLETELY DIFFERENT topic, but I spent a lot of time trying to format some stuff, so I’m recording this for next time I want to do this.

Step 1: place the curser near the text you want to align, and double click in the ruler bar area. A small black bent arrow should appear. It will probably point toward the right.

Step 2: double click on the arrow in the ruler bar. A dialog box should appear. Depending on how many tab stops you have, one or more numbers will appear in a list on the left under ‘Tab stop position’. Select the tab stop of interest. In my case, it was the second/last stop. To get the arrow to point toward the left/align the text on the right side of the document, click the ‘right’ selector under ‘Alignment’.

Step 3: Hit save. Drag the arrow to where you want to text to line up. Be happy!

  • When a test is especially short or simple compared to the application code it tests, lean toward writing the test first.
  • When the desired behavior isn’t yet crystal clear, lean toward writing the application code first, then write a test to codify the result.
  • Because security is a top priority, err on the side of writing tests of the security model first.
  • Whenever a bug is found, write a test to reproduce it and protect against regressions, then write the application code to fix it.
  • Lean against writing tests for code (such as detailed HTML structure) likely to change in the future.
  • Write tests before refactoring code, focusing on testing error-prone code that’s especially likely to break.

— Michael Hartl, Ruby on Rails Tutorial

Writing regular expressions in the context of a new programming language

One of the things that is kind of annoying about regular expressions is that every programming language implements them slightly differently. If you can, find someone who can give you the low-down in this new language. Otherwise, you’ll have to stick with googling, which can take a while to figure out what you need. I’ll get you started with a few languages.

General Resources

Two of my favorite and most helpful resources:

  • lets you test regular expressions in many different languages.
  • Regex Cheat Sheet: has a pretty comprehensive general overview of regex syntax.

Regular Expressions in Ruby

One of the easiest ways to get started with regular expressions in Ruby is via This site provides a way to test regular expressions against any text, as well as a quick cheat sheet to help. also has a Ruby tester that is in beta.

Regular Expressions in Java

For help with Java, I really like using the tester at It does two really cool things.

  1. Different Java methods (apparently) use regular expressions differently. shows if and how a regular expression will work with each of the methods.
  2. also provides the ‘Java string’ for use in Java methods. In Java, we have to escape the backslashes with additional backslashes. This can get pretty confusing very quickly, so having RegExPlanet.comgenerate that string for me is very helpful.

Regular Expressions in JavaScript

Using regular expressions in JavaScript was where I really began using the pattern modifiers. If a regular expression is between two forward slashes, pattern modifiers are the letters that come after the last forward slash.


This regular expression will match the word ‘hello’ as well as capitalized ‘Hello’, and all caps ‘HELLO’. It will even match the super fancy ‘hElLo’, if you are into crazy stuff like that. The i modifier tells the regular expression to be case-insensitive.

Another really useful modifier for regular expressions in JavaScript is g, which stands for ‘global’. In JavaScript, regular expressions will find the first time it matches a pattern and then stop. Using the g modifier tells it to find ALL the instances where a string matches the given pattern.