Austin on Rails – July 28, 2015

I’m saving some notes from the second talk of this Austin on Rails meeting so I don’t lose them somewhere on my phone.

Securing Rails for the Enterprise – Marcus J. Carey

Marcus was that rare speaker: very casual, very entertaining, and very informative.

Here are some of the tools he mentioned.

General Purpose Tools

  1. PaperTrail – A tool to manage your logs. He recommends only logging errors so it’s really obvious when something is happening.
  2. Burp – General purpose security, most basic tool, number 1 most used tool by people who will try to break in.
  3. Zap – General purpose security tool.
  4. Nikto – General purpose security tool.


  1. Breakman – Rails-specific security scanner
  2. Bundler audit – checks your gems and gem dependancies for vulnerabilities
  3. Gem Canary – Similar to bundler audit.
  4. Devise – secure authentication!
  5. Devise-zxcvbn – rejects weak user passwords
  6. devise-security-extension – enterprise-level security for devise
  7. devise-google-authenticator – add 2-factor auth to your app that works with Google’s Authenticator app.
General Rails advice:
  • User models should never inherit from active-record::base
  • Use uuid’s instead of sequential ids/keys
  • Rely on current_user from devise instead of anything else
  • No capitals in the controller!

Austin on Rails presentation: How to Make a Ruby Gem

I gave the beginner presentation at the January 2014 meeting of Austin on Rails. I was pretty nervous, but I think it went pretty well, and was surprisingly fun. I’ve embedded the slides below, and I’ll add a few more resource links too.

A few notes